University City District City Skyline

Small Business Support

Learn how University City District supports small businesses by connecting them to funding, helping to find available storefronts, navigating zoning challenges, and consulting on business plans.

Small Business Services

UCD knows that neighborhoods need healthy, flourishing commercial corridors in order to thrive. Since its founding, helping the local business community has been core to the UCD mission, and the organization has undertaken a variety of activities to support business recruitment, retention, and growth.

Interior photo of Manzanita, a vintage clothing store in West Philadelphia

UCD’s Small Business Services helps businesses looking to open, expand, improve their business and/or relocate here in University City. The services are aimed at both business owners and landlords throughout the district. We help individual businesses access funding, conduct storefront renovations, find new real estate in West Philadelphia, navigate zoning challenges, and develop the business plans that are critical in helping them to access capital.

UCD responds to the unique needs of each individual business owner and landlord, with a focus on providing assistance in the following ways:   

For more information on how UCD can help your business, contact Margaret Starke at