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Spring Equinox Birding Walk with the Philly Queer Birders

March 12 @ 8:30 am 10:30 am

A group of bird watchers in a park look through binoculars

Spring Equinox Bird Walk
with the Philly Queer Birders

Saturday, March 22
8:30am – 10:30am

Who’s ready for spring birding!? Join the Philly Queer Birders for a weekend outing at The Woodlands!

The walk will move at a slow pace on a paved path with gentle slopes in some areas. No registration is required and there will be plenty of binoculars to share. The restrooms at the Stable will be open during our walk and there is plenty of parking within the cemetery and on the surrounding streets in addition to public transit and bike parking.

No Registration Required.


  • Accessibility: Check out The Woodlands’ Accessibility Information for details on entering the cemetery, navigating the landscape, restrooms, building access, and more.
  • Directions: The Woodlands is located at 4000 Woodland Avenue, directly across from the 40th Street Trolley Portal.
  • Parking: Please consider walking, biking, or taking public transit. There is parking available on-site throughout the cemetery on the paved roads. Please park along the curb, leaving enough room for another vehicle to pass by.
  • Rules & Safety: In order for The Woodlands’ gates to continue to be opened daily, the site’s rules and safety guidelines must be followed at all times.

This event is hosted by The Philly Queer Birders. If you have any questions about the event, please contact phillyqueerbirders@gmail.com. All events that take place at The Woodlands must receive written approval.